Please read through carefully. If you would like supplementary material of Gateway's Core Values or the Wesleyan Discipline or the Biblical references this Ministry Covenant is based on, please contact the church office ( | 613.623.0421)
Having received Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and in recognition of God's covenants towards us, I understand and agree to the content of this Ministry Covenant. I resolve to minister within the church and within the world as a servant of Jesus Christ, under God and according to Scripture. The following statements help to further define my commitment.
I will protect the unity of my church:
- by acting in love towards other members
- by refusing to gossip
- by following the leaders
- by being supportive of GATEWAY's Statement of Faith
- by complying with the Wesleyan Discipline
I will share in the growth of my church
- by praying for its growth
- by inviting the unchurched to attend
- by warmly welcoming those who visit
I will serve the ministry of my church
- by discovering my gifts and talents
- by actively involving myself in ministry
- by being equipped to serve by my pastors
- by developing a servant's heart
- by ministering in cooperation with others in the Body of Christ
- by supporting, through prayer and affirmation, other's gifts and ministries
I will support the testimony of my church
- by attending faithfully
- by living a godly life (applying Biblical principles in all aspects of my life)
- by keeping a regular, personal quiet time of Bible reading and prayer and regularly confessing my sins before God
- by giving regularly
- by abstaining from any act or attitude that is counter-productive to the purposes of the church or its ministries (Examples of acts of a sinful nature are: Adultery, cohabitation that includes physical intimacy and/or negatively impacts the church as a result of the appearance of evil, occultic practices, dissensions/factions, drunkenness, same-gender sexual activity, criminal activity, any sexual abuse.)
Ministry Covenant Agreement Statement
- I understand that Gateway is responsible for the welfare of any person entrusted to my care, and thus I will co-operate fully with the staff in the fulfillment of my duties and will keep all information I encounter in my role as a Ministry Leader confidential. If at any time, I find that for any reason I am unable to support the policies, procedures or doctrines of Gateway, I will graceful and quietly resign my position
- If I fail to live a life consistent with God's word so that my witness, the reputation of the Name of Christ and/or the integrity of Gateway is compromised, I will withdraw from my position of ministry and submit to a process of restoration.